The journey here along the Bridgewater was easy and of some, but not great, interest. The canal continues to be straight(ish), deep, and wide. En route we moored at Leigh to shop. Leigh was a mill town but most of the evidence has gone. Two very large and impressive mill buildings still stand though.

We then passed through a British Waterways operated lift bridge where a busy road crosses the canal. Talking to the very helpful BW guy, he said he had worked for BW for 25 years, the last 18 being as the bridge operator here. I guess he occasionally finds the job a little boring!

The canal in this area is on an embankment. When it was built it was at ground level, but since then mining subsidence has caused the surrounding countryside to drop by perhaps 6 feet and so it was necessary to build up the canal banks.
I have just caught up with your Blog and have enjoyed reading your adventures so far. Will return for regular updates! We missed you at Kaleidoscope today, Denise. Hope you are getting lots of beading done! Bon voyage. Lesley xxx